Courchevel 1850
Luxury hotels in Courchevel 1850

Courchevel offers you new slopes to discover every day, 606 kilometers to be precise! Because of the high altitude, top class hotels and top class restaurants, Courchevel became jesetter's playground over the past two decades without losing its charm and authenticity. Courchevel is a lively and vibrant place and the village offers a perfect blend of old- and new hotels.

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15 hotels found

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Price from €399

Price from €419

Price from €499

Price from €619

Price from €629

Price from €980

Price from €1.100

Price from €1.120

Price from €1.150

Price from €1.299

Price from €1.437

Price from €1.870

The area of Courchevel 1850 offers 607 kilometers of well prepped slopes to explore.